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Save default report options for Date Range, Sale Type, Payment Currency, Register, Summery and Location. Advanced feature...
have ability to also customize the receiving module screen , like when we need to select transfers, we can hide the other...
1. Ability to add serial number on the fly for each item on the sales page. Every item in my store has a different serial...
We have "show selling price on receiving receipt" enabled. Please could this be developed so that it shows the location selling...
Rigth now the menu still grown as funtionallities was improve, some times those features is Noh reflected or view at neked eye....
Ability to add to inventory from different suppliers at different cost without overriding previous items cost. Cost Merge is...
Account for unpaid breaks, manual adjustments (eg. bonus, deductions for till being down money, etc)
Short key is a greate solution when we are working in the POS, the user and cuatomer requiere a fast environment that allow...
We need a way to somehow complete layaway type suspended sales without unsuspending them prior to completion. We like the way...
Some of my suppliers require a different MAP for online vs. in-store sales. Currently, if I edit the price on Woo, the edit is...