Need further clarifications

Abimbola Akin

What are the system requirements for installing the software (e.g., operating system, minimum hardware specifications)?

Is there documentation available for installation and setup procedures?

Are there any dependencies or third-party tools required for the software to function properly?

How is data backup and recovery handled within the system?

Are there any security measures implemented, such as encryption of sensitive data or user authentication mechanisms?

Can the software be integrated with other existing systems or databases?

What are the licensing terms and pricing options for the downloadable version?

How frequently is the software updated, and what is the process for receiving updates?

Is there a community or forum where users can seek help or discuss issues related to the software?

Are there any known limitations or constraints of the downloadable version compared to other deployment options (e.g., cloud-based)?

What level of technical support is provided for users of the downloadable version, and how can support be accessed?

Is there a trial version or demo available for testing the downloadable software before making a purchase or commitment?

How is performance optimization handled within the software, especially for larger datasets or high user loads?

Can the software be easily scaled or expanded to accommodate growth in usage or functionality requirements?

Are there any regulatory compliance considerations to be aware of when deploying the software in certain industries or regions?
How many programming languages are used to write the software?
Would the charges ever exceed those of other companies providing similar services at any given time?


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Chris Muench


The best place to send this request in future is help.phppointofsale.com but I will answer here for you

Install onto an existing server. php 7.3 or newer. Mysql 5.6 or newer. We also have an automated installer that requires no technical knowledge.


There is a trial of cloud but NOT download. They are the same software except download cannot do square or shopify.

I do NOT know the regulations of each country so you would have to refer to the countries government.

the programm is written in php

Not sure what you mean by

Would the charges ever exceed those of other companies providing similar services at any given time?

Please email support@phppointofsale.com for further discussion.